Leo Free Daily Teen Horoscope


Your Free Teen Horoscope For Today Tomorrow & Yesterday Is Ready For You To Read

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Leo - ( 23 Jul - 22 Aug ) Leo ( 23 Jul - 22 Aug )
TodayTuesday - May 14, 2024

Clarity is on the horizon of Sunday’s skies, Leo. The moon marches into excitable Aries this morning, helping you break out of routine and the emotional rut you’ve been inhabiting in recent days. Elsewhere, news-bearing Mercury merges with dream-big Jupiter, potentially bringing positive opportunities to the relationship front. It’s an ideal day for contract signing or entering into any other jointly committed unions.  

TomorrowWednesday - May 15, 2024

It’s no surprise to you that your relationship energy is shifting, Leo. The universe is working to expand your interpersonal experience and shine a new light into that department today, as the eager Aries moon prompts you to form new philosophies to live by. The moon’s strong connection to communicative Mercury and mood-boosting Jupiter helps you talk out any important relationship issues that need a fresh perspective.

YesterdayMonday - May 13, 2024

Powerful emotions are at play under Saturday’s skies, Leo. The moon wades through deep-feeling Pisces and spends the day in ethereal Neptune’s reality-bending embrace. This union can add streaks of idealization, fantasy, and deception to your current relationship story. Let yourself find an outlet and support system for the powerful feelings uprising within you, lest they totally carry you out to sea where help is hard to find.

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