Leo Free Monthly Horoscope

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Leo - ( 23 Jul - 22 Aug ) Leo ( 23 Jul - 22 Aug )

For The Month Of October 2023


Networking and Negotiating

This can be a time of interesting conversations, Leo, with a focus on your sector of talk and thought until October 23. With the sun in Libra and Mercury here from the fourth to the twenty-second, this is the perfect time to close deals, negotiate, mediate, and brainstorm. If you work in the media or communication industry, it looks like you could be in demand.

The solar eclipse in Libra on October 14 heralds a new beginning. This potent lunar phase is great for kick-starting new projects or taking a current plan or business in a new direction. You might be pushed into taking on more than you think you can handle. However, the cosmos has other ideas and could encourage you to overcome your fear and go for it anyway.

Dynamic Mars moves into Scorpio and your home and family zone on the eleventh for visit of around six weeks. This intense influence could have a powerful and far-reaching effect, bringing buried feelings to the surface and encouraging a clean sweep. If you plan to get rid of clutter or you need to sort out someone else’s belongings, it could be quite an emotional task, so be prepared.

The sun moves into Scorpio on October 23 for a stay of around a month, and the emphasis will be very much on domestic affairs. This is an opportunity to unwind and recharge, especially if you’ve been feeling overwhelmed lately. Try not to take your work or worries home with you. Make a point of nurturing yourself and getting more rest and sleep.

There’s a lunar eclipse in your career zone on the twenty-eighth, which can be an opportunity to enhance your social media following and gain appreciation for the work you do. You could be in the spotlight, so be very careful about what you put out on social media or other places. It could either enhance or damage your reputation.


When Venus starts soaking up Virgo’s practical vibes in your second house of money and possessions on October 8, your spending habits are curbed. If you’re in a relationship, this month’s buzzword is “budget”! If you’re single, there’s no need to buy a new outfit for every date you go on.

The new moon and solar eclipse in well-meaning Libra arrive on the fourteenth, which could cause you to be ridiculously indecisive. If you really can’t make up your mind, Leo, you might have to toss a coin. Maybe not the best way to choose between your current romantic options, but the clock is ticking.

October 19 brings a harmonious sun-Mercury conjunction in agreeable Libra, which can actually help you solve other people’s love dilemmas. Even if your own love life is a mess, you still have valuable advice to offer your bestie, coworker, or sibling!

On the twenty-fourth, an ambitious sun-Saturn water trine materializes and gives you an emotional depth that you didn’t have earlier in the month. Some things make you incredibly sad and others make you amazingly happy, but one thing’s for sure: there’s nothing low-key about love during this intense aspect.


There is a lot of tenacious energy simmering beneath the surface this month. With the sun, Mercury, and Mars aspecting the personal part of your chart, you’re motivated to step outside your comfort zone and take a big professional risk. The only issue is that you’re worried about what others will think if it goes awry.

The solar eclipse in Libra on October 14 helps you narrow your thoughts and make proper decisions about your evolving career. The lunar eclipse two weeks later is when you’ll be ready to implement them. Keep in mind that there will be a lot of back and forth in between these dates. The lunar eclipse will solidify the choices you make and end any indecision or hesitation. Believe in yourself and everything will fall into place. You can make anything happen as long as you’re bold enough to grow and take chances.

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