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Your Free Monthly Horoscope For The Whole Month Of February Is Ready For You To Read
Change of Mindset
There’s a focus on your personal finances as this month unfolds, Virgo, and it continues until October 23. This is your opportunity to balance the books, cut back on expenses, and consider creating a budget that takes into account the extra demands of the coming holiday season. If you’re ready to get organized, you might want to set money aside to help you fund the months ahead.
And with lively Mercury, your guide planet, moving into Libra on the fourth, you might enjoy creating a quick spreadsheet to help you stay on track.
There is a solar eclipse in Libra on October 14, which gives you a chance for a new beginning. If aspects of your finances have gotten out of hand, this is the ideal opportunity to set things right. It’s also possible that you’ll be pushed into doing so. If so, it might feel uncomfortable at the time, but know that it’s ultimately for the best.
If you’re kick-starting a side hustle, it could blossom into something bigger than you imagined.
Dynamic Mars moves into Scorpio and your sector of talk and thought on the eleventh, followed by Mercury and the sun on the twenty-second and twenty-third, respectively. This developing emphasis on a very intense sign could have quite an impact on your outlook and mindset.
Under this influence, you’ll find it easy to read between the lines and know who you can trust and who you should avoid. Anyone too superficial won’t appeal to you; you’ll go for depth every time. This can also be an excellent time to do business. You’ll know a good deal when you see one and steer clear of anything that seems dodgy.
Finally, there’s a powerful lunar eclipse in Taurus and your sector of far horizons on October 28. This could be quite an interesting time as you look for new opportunities. You might discover something that checks all the boxes, possibly something that’s been hiding in plain sight, so stay alert.
Your smart ruler Mercury leaves your precise sign to pair up with easygoing Libra on October 4, bringing out your charming, flirty side. This communicative combo helps you stop thinking about what can go wrong and helps you focus on what might go right, which really helps lower your anxiety regarding romantic situations.
On the eighth, caring Venus enters your first house of self, so you might start to shift a lot of the focus onto your own wants and needs. It isn’t like you to be selfish, Virgo, but there’s nothing wrong with feeling indulgent and/or deserving. New beginnings are possible now, but setting a “me first” precedent might not be wise.
Newbie asteroid Juno is also linked to your first house starting on October 17, giving stability to a current or developing relationship. Be sure to pay a lot of attention to details now, because they can give you hints about whether things are going right or wrong, as well as how to fix or capitalize on them.
The twenty-first brings a lucky AF Venus-Jupiter trine that can help you do a complete 180 if things in your love life are sh*tty. The best part about this fortunate aspect? You don’t have to do a thing. Trust in the Universe and it will deliver the magic you’ve been hoping for.
The month ahead gives you a chance to stand your ground in business dealings. The solar eclipse in Libra on October 14 allows you to speak your mind freely. For the first time in a long while you’ll be able to call the shots at the workplace and everyone will respect your opinion. Your confidence will be high, so no one will second-guess your choices. It will prove you can be the bold leader they’re looking for.
The caveat is that you might appear to be too aggressive in some matters, since the sun, Mercury, and Mars are in evocative Scorpio. As long as you can tone down your criticisms and focus on positive factors, you won’t have any communication problems at work. In fact, your professional, encouraging demeanor will be admired and appreciated by your coworkers and peers.