Virgo Free Daily Love Horoscope

Your Free Love Horoscope For Today Tomorrow & Yesterday Is Ready For You To Read

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Virgo - ( 23 Aug - 22 Sep ) Virgo ( 23 Aug - 22 Sep )
TodaySaturday - February 01, 2025Love Overview

Step through the open door today, Virgo. This is because the energy of the sweet new moon in Aquarius will add even more to your plate. As it shivers through your solar sixth house of productivity, you’ll be feeling significant new progress with your employment or around job-related projects. You may even be taking on more responsibilities, clients, or hear of a job offer. An excellent way of using this energy is to discuss your work and life balance with your sweetheart so you’re always making time for the two of you. You’ll both be happier about it.


You aren't able to focus on the little details that usually make so much sense to you, and that could wreak havoc with your big plans! Keep breathing and just let things happen the way they want to.

TomorrowSunday - February 02, 2025 Love Overview

Today could be one of the days you fear passing through, Virgo. Sweet Venus, the planetary ruler of marriage and intimacy, is uniting in an exact conjunction with icy Saturn, the Great Taskmaster and planetary ruler of karma and obstacles. You and a partner may not be seeing eye-to-eye now, which pushes you both off in opposite directions. It may be best to take this period to reflect on how you can communicate better and be a team rather than fighting a losing battle. Don’t say or do anything you may regret when you’re feeling less frustrated.


Say no to someone today. It isn't all that much fun, but your refusal should buy you the time you need to clear some stuff out of the way. That means the future should be a lot more relaxing!

YesterdayFriday - January 31, 2025 Love Overview

The wheel of life turns ever on, Virgo. Today, you will welcome Aquarius season as the sun turns a corner and prances happily into the zodiac sign symbolized by the Waterbearer. In the month ahead, the pace of life will quicken, as people are more inspired to unite with others in communities. This is an excellent period to join a group that you have a common interest around. Enlist a matchmaker to search their pool of prospective suitors if you’re single and ready to mingle! You’ll be ecstatic that you’re putting yourself out there.


You're still feeling intellectually playful, and you should find a few new options for getting things done to your satisfaction. Talk a friend or two into joining you in the new scheme.

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