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Your Free Monthly Horoscope For The Whole Month Of February Is Ready For You To Read
Embracing Your Power
Scorpio, you might be partial to spending some time alone as October gets underway. With the sun in your spiritual sector until October 23, this is one of the best times to relax and recharge. It isn’t a great idea to initiate any new plans at this point, because you’ll be busy tying up loose ends and finding closure on key issues. When these tasks are done, however, you’ll have space to welcome new opportunities once the sun enters your sign on that date.
There is a potent solar eclipse in Libra on the fourteenth that could coincide with a revelation or powerful intuition that opens new possibilities for you. Perhaps you’ll find the missing piece of a puzzle that helps you put everything in perspective and gives you answers you’ve been seeking for a while. Whatever occurs, you’ll feel ready to move forward and initiate a new phase of your development.
The focus gradually shifts to your sign as warrior Mars moves in on October 11, followed by Mercury and the sun a couple weeks later. Dynamic Mars in Scorpio can be very powerful, so this is your invitation to embrace that power and use it constructively. You’ll have a lot of energy at your disposal, so it would be a good idea to channel it wisely.
You’ll feel more confident and ready to shine your light once the sun moves into your sign on the twenty-third. This is a great opportunity to showcase your skills and take the lead when it comes to living the life of your dreams.
Finally, there’s a lunar eclipse in Taurus and across your relationship axis on October 28 that could be quite an emotional time. But if your relationship is strong, you’ll be able to take it in stride. Still, you might experience a fallout with a friend or business partner, so think carefully before you say or do anything you might come to regret later.
As Mars and retrograde Pluto, your two co-rulers, square off against each other on October 8, you’re feeling a little on edge. You crave being in control, but this aspect produces way too much uncertainty than you’re comfortable with. Resist the urge to lash out at someone who is only trying to help, Scorpio.
On the tenth, regenerative Pluto goes direct while in earth sign Capricorn, highlighting your language and communication zone. You’re ready to reflect on some very deep thoughts now that can lead to earth-shattering conclusions. Just keep in mind that the person you’re with (or want to be) might not be ready for their mind to be blown.
And if that isn’t intense enough, Mars enters your empowering first house on October 11, filling you with an abundance of sexual energy and encouraging you to use it! Finding healthy ways to let it out is ideal, but if we know you, you’re probably ready to be naughty. Proceed at your own risk.
On the twenty-eighth, the month ends on a hint of uncertainty with a challenging Mercury-Jupiter opposition that can cause you to question fate. How many choices are actually within your control and how many are predestined? You probably don’t want to examine that question too closely now.
The backward spin of Jupiter and Uranus in your house of partnerships could entail unexpectedly aligning professionally with a colleague or team that you worked with earlier on a project. Before you decide to commit to working exclusively with them, make sure that the contract is fair and favorable to all. If necessary and to avoid any foreseeable issues, try to sign the agreement before the eclipses on October 14 and October 28. These could indicate a change of heart on either side in business affairs.
The good news is that the sun, Mercury, and Mars are shining brightly on you at this time, giving you the chance to make professional moves. Don’t second-guess yourself, but stand firmly in your beliefs and choices. Your instincts are always right, and now it’s time to prove it to the boardroom.