Taurus Free 2024 Yearly Horoscope

Your Free Yearly Horoscope For The Whole Year Of 2024 Is Ready For You To Read

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Taurus - ( 20 Apr - 20 May ) Taurus ( 20 Apr - 20 May )
For the Year 2022

There are definitely challenges ahead that will test you, Taurus, but your stubbornness can actually work in your favor when you come up against the year's most worthy nemeses.

Venus, your ruler and heavy influencer of love and money, is retrograde in kindred earth sign Capricorn for most of January, throwing a lot of your well-laid plans regarding relationships and finances into a bit of a tailspin. As a fixed earth sign, you always have a plan in place, and this retrograde period threatens to challenge you. Luckily, with Capricorn's ambitious influence, you can work your butt off to make sure things still come together in the way you want them to. But it's going to take a lot of willpower and determination, so buckle up and get ready for a rather harsh intro to the year.

Unpredictable Uranus is traveling with your steady sign all year, and there are a lot of things that are out of your control in 2022 because of this major transit. As a fixed sign, change is one of your least favorite things to deal with, but growth comes from putting yourself in uncomfortable situations. You could feel stuck between trying to cling to your usual routines and doing your best to roll with the waves of change that will inevitably come, which creates a very uncertain vibe. In most cases, Taurus, it will benefit you to proceed with your plans until you absolutely must abandon them.

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