Taurus Free Weekly Horoscope Forecast

Your Free Monthly Horoscope For The Whole Month Of July Is Ready For You To Read

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Taurus - ( 20 Apr - 20 May ) Taurus ( 20 Apr - 20 May )

Week 20 of 2024

Week Starting On: May 13 to May 19


This week, you have a clear direction.

The week begins on Monday, May 13, with the sun conjoining Uranus in Taurus and your house of personal expression. Taurus, you are changing. You’re growing intellectually and spiritually, and this is shifting how you present yourself in the world. And people are noticing. You’re attracting attention from some new directions. You could meet new friends now. You’re making some interesting connections.

Mercury enters the sign of Taurus on Wednesday, May 15. Mercury will be in Taurus until June 3. Now you’re paying more attention to what brings you value in your life. This is a time when you’re less likely to focus on the negative because you realize it doesn’t bring you what you’re looking for. You might do less media and more meditation. The conversations you have are more instructive and interesting. You’re breaking free of old negative patterns.


Taurus, you will feel extra loving and affectionate this week, so make the most of it! You're fired up and ready to take on the world. The universe awaits you and will welcome your energy with open arms. Romance may be in the air, so seize the day! 

Your sun and Venus form a conjunction with Uranus on the thirteenth and eighteenth, making your love life sizzle. Mercury's alignment with your sun on the fifteenth serves as a great time to catch up with an old flame or meet someone new. Remember that your time and energy are valuable. Focus on connecting with people who bring peaceful vibes and make you feel good. 

Your sun's alignment with Jupiter on the eighteenth will find you at your best; ask out that cute coworker or ask your boss for a raise. Take a risk! This energy brings sexy vibes, making now a perfect time to get frisky. The end of the week finds you in a state of mind where everything seems possible, so go ahead and try something different! 


Strut your stuff this week, Taurus! You might feel unapologetically more like yourself than you have in a long time when the sun in your sign conjuncts Uranus in your sign on Monday, May 13. This cosmic energy has a chaotic good vibe. You could wake up ready to tackle your day with unexpected confidence. It could also provide you with unanticipated moments where you can be yourself, even at work. 

Plus, your long-time work friends and higher-ups might appreciate this change of pace since Venus in your sign will also sextile Saturn in Pisces. Do not be afraid to be yourself! 

Over the next few days, you might feel more self-assured with your communication skills when Mercury enters your sign. The Mercurial energy will encourage you to be honest, genuine, and forthright. As a result, this could help you confidently facilitate your work conversations. 

By the end of your workweek, you might need to voice how you feel about the changes in your career path when Mercury in your sign squares Pluto retrograde in Aquarius on Friday, May 17. The square will encourage you to face your fears by speaking up about how these changes make you feel.


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