Libra Free Weekly Horoscope Forecast

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Libra - ( 23 Sep - 22 Oct ) Libra ( 23 Sep - 22 Oct )

Week 41 of 2024

Week Starting On: October 07 to October 13


This week, you are receiving spiritual guidance. 

The week begins on Sunday, October 6, with the sun in Libra making a quincunx with Saturn in Pisces. Today, you could come off as businesslike and practical. Others might see you as reserved and authoritative. This all works if you’re at a convention or leading a team at work, but if you’re on a date, you might want to relax and be curious about the person you’re with.

On Tuesday, October 8, Venus in Scorpio trines Mars in Cancer. Also, Mercury in Libra trines Jupiter in Gemini and your house of spiritual knowledge and guidance. Today, things just work. Libra, you ask a question of the Universe and an answer appears. This is a good time to meditate on what you want. Visualize the best life you can think of and send your prayers to heaven. 


If life is one big play, then your home is the stage that's poised to showcase your most intense love scenes. Take some time to manicure personal space on the 10th when the first quarter moon commences in Capricorn. Use this lunar event as an opportunity to acknowledge red flags you may have ignored in the past, so you can break any cycles that have been damaging to your love life. Remember that it's okay to raise your standards, and that being selective of who you date doesn't make you picky or high strung. As the week comes to a close, you’ll likely be a bit quieter and less social than usual over the next several weeks, as this planetary placement asks you to go deep, in order to analyze what does and doesn't constitute a healthy relationship. On the 11th, your focus is likely to shift toward finances and professional goals, as the Pluto turns direct in career oriented Capricorn. 


Be careful of what you say and who you say it to, Libra. You could be in the hot seat, since Mercury in your sign will square Mars in Cancer on Sunday, October 6. The cosmic tension will make you feel unsure of your professional interactions. Try as you may, your tone, turf, and timing could be off. Someone may take a comment the wrong way, or you could misread the room when you speak up in a professional setting. Luckily, all will be alright as your workweek continues, since Venus in Scorpio will trine Mars in Cancer while Mercury in your sign opposes Chiron retrograde in Aries. There will be plenty of opportunities to rectify any miscommunication. 

Luck may turn on a dime when Jupiter stations retrograde in Gemini on Wednesday, October 9. Jupiter retrograde in Gemini will cause delays in your overall professional journey. You may not have as many educational or travel opportunities in the coming months. Likewise, you may also begin to focus on more specific areas of study and places for professional growth. Know that you are turning over a new leaf, especially by the time Pluto stations direct in Capricorn on Friday, October 11.

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