Libra Free Daily Finance Horoscope

Your Free Finance Horoscope For Today Tomorrow & Yesterday Is Ready For You To Read

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Libra - ( 23 Sep - 22 Oct ) Libra ( 23 Sep - 22 Oct )
TodayFriday - August 09, 2024

Libra, you may feel let down by a long-term working relationship that seemed stable but wasn’t in reality. It can seem stressful at first to not feel as if your foundation is firm, but don’t fret as the universe always progresses you forward. The Aries moon is forming a connection with Chiron in your seventh house of business partnerships. This can bring up old wounds in terms of not being treated fairly, or feeling like your needs are not being honored at this job. Take care of you first.

TomorrowSaturday - August 10, 2024

Dear Libra, the energy of today can prompt you to make a positive tweak to a major creative project you’ve been involved in for some time. Mercury retrograde is the perfect time to do this, as it’s a period of review. The Aries moon is in your seventh house of collaboration, forming a harmonious sextile with Mercury retrograde in Aquarius in your fifth house of creativity and self-expression. You may be asking yourself if you are in your authenticity. If the answer is no, make the change in order for your project to be in alignment with who you truly are.

YesterdayThursday - August 08, 2024

This is your strength, Libra. You bring creativity, peace, and harmony to others when you work. The Pisces moon is forming a connection with Neptune in your sixth house of work, pushing you to lean more into your natural creative spirit when it comes to your work. Remember to release others opinions of you, especially with that independent stellium in Aquarius occurring in your fifth house of self-expression. Do you!

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