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Your Free Finance Horoscope For Today Tomorrow & Yesterday Is Ready For You To Read
Dear Capricorn, laying stable structures and foundations for your professional life is your natural talent. It has felt like a challenge as the year began, but the universe is now giving you the path needed to move forward with your ideas. Aquarius is the sign of the visionary and you have this in your second house of income, experiencing a concentration of potent energies there. You understand how to make something esoteric make sense in reality. Use your talent and creativity today.
As a Saturn-ruled sign,let it be known that, if tested, you can react in a fiery way with Aries ruling over your emotional nature. Today, the Aries moon is forming a demanding aspect with Pluto in Capricorn in your first house of identity. You could feel the need to dominate the conversation and reassert your authority over those you manage or direct. Take deep breaths and approach others slowly; it will go a long way.
Capricorn, the truth will set you free, especially at this time. You may have made serious blunders in terms of your work budget, and overspending could have occurred. Instead of covering it up, you decide to come out with what had happened. This is the best thing you can do, and at the end of the day we are all human. This ends up resolving itself as Mercury retrograde is forming a soothing connection with beneficial Venus in your second house. Release the worry.