Capricorn Free Weekly Horoscope Forecast

Your Free Monthly Horoscope For The Whole Month Of July Is Ready For You To Read

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Capricorn - ( 22 Dec - 19 Jan ) Capricorn ( 22 Dec - 19 Jan )

Week 20 of 2024

Week Starting On: May 13 to May 19


This week, you find your goal is closer than you think.

The week begins on Monday, May 13, with the sun conjoining Uranus in Taurus and your house of fun and adventure. Capricorn, you might do something today you’ve never done before. And you might discover that you really enjoy it and you’re naturally good at it. This activity could have something to do with creativity or the outdoors. And if you’re looking for love, you could be struck by a thunderbolt today. Put yourself in an environment where you can meet new people.

Mercury enters the sign of Taurus on Wednesday, May 15. Mercury will be in Taurus until June 3. During this time, it’s good to push the envelope. Recognize where your comfort zone is and take conscious steps outside of it. Learning to be comfortable in uncomfortable situations is the best way to succeed. Think of a small step you can take every day.


Your abundance and emotional concerns are on your radar screen this week, Capricorn. You're looking to move in your livelihood or material world, and you might just find love along the way! Whatever direction you go in, taking care of yourself is essential. You can't give what you don't have, so remember to take time for self-care and planning for success. It's important to offer from a place of overflow, not from lack, as this will only deplete you further. 

Don't be afraid to experiment with some out-of-the-box activities on the seventeenth that could lead you down an exciting path! Also, don't fear love because May 18 will bring you closer to someone special. It's also possible that someone from your past will reenter your life this week. Be wise, let bygones be bygones, and focus your attention and energy on the present. 


What could take you by storm this week, Capricorn? You might become completely side-tracked by a passion project or creative opportunity when the sun in Taurus conjuncts Uranus in Taurus on Monday, May 13. The cosmic energy might result in a "Eureka!" moment. You could have an incredible download that may help you launch an idea. As a result, your endeavor could lead to amazing work opportunities and sources of income. 

Over the next few days, you should work on hammering out a plan as Mercury enters Taurus on Wednesday, May 15. Mercury in Taurus will help you take it easy as you explore your options and devise a plan of action. Taking your time will help make your passion project notably successful! 

Toward the end of your workweek, there might be an eye-opening discovery about your passion project's financial possibilities when Mercury in Taurus squares Pluto retrograde in Aquarius on Friday, May 17. Talking about the financial aspect of what you want to do could be challenging. You might not know what to ask or feel scared of being taken advantage of. Do some research on the median compensation for what you want to do to gauge your possibilities.

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