Gemini Free Weekly Horoscope Forecast

Your Free Monthly Horoscope For The Whole Month Of September Is Ready For You To Read

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Gemini - ( 21 May - 20 Jun ) Gemini ( 21 May - 20 Jun )

Week 34 of 2024

Week Starting On: August 19 to August 25


This week, you have extra energy and luck. 

The week begins on Sunday, August 18, with Venus in Virgo squaring Jupiter in your own sign of Gemini. You have more luck than usual. Your pie could win first prize at the county fair, you might win a solo spot in the choir, or your social media numbers could soar. This is a great day to launch a creative work into the public sphere.

On Monday, August 19, there is a full moon in Aquarius. Also, Jupiter in Gemini squares Saturn in Pisces and your house of career and business. Things don’t get easier because you keep moving the goalposts. Every time you make a milestone, you set the bar a little bit higher. This is what makes you an achiever, but it also means that you’re never quite comfortable, and today is the epitome of that.


If life is one big play, your home is the stage poised to showcase your most intense love scenes. Take some time to manicure your personal space on the twenty-third, as Mercury retrograde connects with the healing centaur Chiron retrograde and Jupiter. If you've practiced poor judgment within past relationships, this energy can bring new perspectives around what went wrong. Use this lunar event as an opportunity to acknowledge red flags you may have ignored in the past so you can break any cycles that have been damaging to your love life. 

Remember that it's OK to raise your standards and that being selective of who you date doesn't make you picky or high-strung. As the week comes to a close, Mercury retrograde and Mars unite on the twenty-third. You'll likely be a bit quieter and less social than usual over the next several weeks, as this planetary placement asks you to go deep to analyze what does and doesn't constitute a healthy relationship.


What will be clarified in your work conversations, Gemini? There has been so much confusion and frustration over the last week or so. Luckily, you might feel like the spell has temporarily broken when the sun in Leo conjuncts Mercury retrograde in Leo on Sunday, August 18. The cosmic energy will enlighten something at work. Miscommunication or lack of communication could be cleared. You may also understand your coworkers and clients much better. It should help you move forward in your professional journey, especially after the full moon in Aquarius tomorrow. 

Meanwhile, you may feel differently about your work-life balance and priorities since Venus in Virgo will also oppose Saturn retrograde in Pisces. Think about what matters most to you. You may feel a deep desire to focus on different duties and responsibilities, which may shift your work-life balance. It could be overwhelming, so try not to get ahead of yourself. Take your time with switching gears. 

Luckily, you should have plenty of time to adjust your schedule since the sun will enter Virgo on Thursday, August 22. Virgo season will help you find your footing, especially if you want to focus on personal goals and priorities over professional responsibilities.

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